Social Responsibility

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The Women’s Farmers Producer Organization (WFPO)

WFPOs is a unique and innovative agribusiness entity wherein only women farmers become shareholders of their company registered under Companies Act 1956/2013. FPOs are aimed at making agriculture profitable by involving individual farmers along the entire agricultural value chain, while providing them with complete ownership of their venture. Blue Star invested in ‘Business Service Units’ for such women-led FPOs, in partnership with CII. The work centred around capacity building, business plans preparation and establishing credit norms, along with training inputs on branding, sales and marketing. Three such FPOs across Tamil Nadu and Uttarakhand benefitted from Blue Star Foundation’s aid. This needs to be reworded to explain what they do, where the intervention is, and what the products are that are produced and sold.

The ‘Waterwheels’ project

This is an initiative which aims to ease the process of fetching water from distant sources, primarily considered a woman’s job in villages. Water wheels are durable cylindrical water tanks which can be rolled along the ground and can hold 45 litres at a time. Blue Star, in partnership with Habitat for Humanity, has distributed 500 waterwheels in villages near its Dadra and Wada factories.

Other Programmes

Blue Star also contributed to the Kherwadi Social Welfare Association for vocational training of young women in the fields of tailoring, beautician and fashion designing; as well as towards building of 50 individual household toilets and farming using modern techniques.

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